Ever since the early days of the establishment of production, the owners worried about two things: the first - that their production secrets did not fall into the hands of competitors, the second - about the physical safety of the production and employees.
When production began to acquire the first features of industry, such a specialization as a company security (security) specialist appeared, who was responsible for both the physical security of the enterprise and the preservation of its secrets.
With the increase in the number of papers, accounting, departments (responsible for innovation) and laboratories, enterprises have a need for information security, which is quite natural: so that secret documents do not fall into the hands, so that the engineer-inventor does not take the drawings from the laboratory, so that secret correspondence did not become the property of the public and competitors.
Information security is a term that first appeared in the context of IT.
With the increase in the number of computerized systems and automated tools, everything started moving into the IT field. Employees of information security appeared at the enterprise.
Initially, information security meant minimizing the number of accesses to accounting information, various documentation, information about patents and much more. For this, extensive regulations were created on the company's internal security. As a rule, there is an employee who is responsible for information security. Namely, so that the numbers and accounts of competitors do not merge.
But the 21st century greeted us with an IT boom: a computer began to appear in every home, the evolution from a black and white Nokia turned into a smartphone, which became a necessity, and the Internet ... since 2016, the UN resolution enshrined in human rights "The right to access to the Internet".
With the growth of devices, smart things, increased traffic, data flow, people began to transfer more and more to the cyber environment and the cloud: accounting, process management, work performance. There was a need to protect information in the digital (cyber) environment.
Cyber security is already a new round of information security, which is aimed specifically at the digital environment. In which we are actually with you. CS means not only the protection of information itself, but also the protection of the entire system in the information field, in the IT field (the field of computer technologies) as a whole.
Where is "cyber security" leading and what to expect
Cyber security includes, but is not limited to, information protection. This is protection against viruses, hacker attacks, data forgery, which can not only delete/steal data, but also affect the work and productivity of employees, use information against a person or structure, and also stop production. Cyber security today is responsible for three factors: systems, processes, people.
The need for personal cyber security will continue to grow, because the further we go, the more we "grow" with our gadgets. CS is responsible for protecting confidential information and interacting with it when using any device.
On August 29, 2019, at the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Shanghai, Jack Ma and Elon Musk discussed everything that has worried humanity in recent years: "We are ALREADY cyborgs. People are so integrated with their phone and computer that they don't even realize it. When we forget our mobile somewhere, it seems as if we have lost a part of our body." And so it is. We are already completely connected to our phones, without which we cannot go anywhere and cannot imagine life without them. Our phone is food, movement, maps, weather, sleep, health, and this list can be supplemented with many more possibilities that we live with day to day.
From "Worm" to "Petya":
viruses mutate and evolve along with technology
Together with the development of technologies, artificial intelligence, and information systems, their "dark side" - cyber attacks and "viruses" - is also developing. Computer "viruses", like biological ones, also mutate and develop.
Since 1987, they got into the system and influenced the data in it: "eaten" data, encrypted, tampered with, manipulated. For example, a virus that copied your data to the end of space on the "C" drive, or a virus that overloaded the processor to 100%.
The next major leap in mutation occurred in 2012: the “ivchetoo” or “hallmark” virus appeared, which physically burned the hard drive. This virus was declared by CNN "as the most dangerous".
The next mutation and development of cyberattacks happened very recently - WannaCry or Petya. This virus became famous not for encrypting data and demanding Bitcoins, but for shutting down a third of the entire country's banking system in 2017.
Airlines, along with the metro, media holdings, industrial concerns and large companies felt this.
Accountants, when the 1C work program was hacked, were the first to suffer: the virus penetrated through software for submitting accounting reports, and then spread through unlicensed software.
Disasters of this magnitude could have been avoided if companies and their employees had followed the basic rules of cyber hygiene and cyber security. But, "ignorance" does not exempt from responsibility. And from the consequences.
“Wanna Cry” showed what cyberattacks can mutate to - stopping the work of enterprises, concerns, systems and government structures.
The next mutation of cyberattacks has every chance of affecting human life and health. Let's see why.
Body and brain = 24/7 cyber security?
Since 2014, a new IT trend has entered the world - smart devices and equipment: smart refrigerators, fitness bracelets, virtual reality helmets, augmented reality glasses.
The Black Sea Summit conference in 2016 was notable for the fact that, for the first time, a person was implanted with a chip in his hand, which he could use to pay bills, like a bank card
Since 2018, they began to actively implant chips in other countries that would replace keys, cards, and identification data, and in 2019, the "xNT" project began sending chips for implantation into the hands of its customers.
Apple started the trend on FaceID, thanks to which it is already possible to pay at the cash register and identify a person simply by his face.
All these facts indicate that the equipment is getting closer to the body, closer to the brain and eyes, to the muscles and, in the literal sense, to the "entrails" of a person.
This means that there is a great risk that cyberattacks can affect a person's physical condition.
The closer the devices are to the body and brain, the more important it is to protect the information of its carriers.
The next stage of cyber security responsibility is the preservation of information, processes and devices that are closely related to the body, brains and life of a person.
Summing up, we can say that cyber security was a part of information security. Now is the evolution of information security. Nowadays, much more than just information loss depends on the protection of processes, information and activities in cyberspace.
Preservation of the system, processes, human life - all this falls on the "shoulders" of cyber security.